While the focus when it comes to election day around here will be mainly on the Presidential race some voters will find themselves making a choice about local representation on Beacon Hill.
Paul Jacques, a Democrat from Rehoboth, has begun the process of running in the 4th Bristol District. The district includes Rehoboth, Seekonk and portions of Swansea and Norton.
Jacques has filed paperwork with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance, but has yet to collect the signatures necessary to appear on the ballot. When asked about specific issues facing the state, Jacques said he is just beginning to form his position.
“Basically I’m running to make a difference,” Jacques said. “I’ve been involved in politics in some fashion basically all of my life,” Jacques said during a recent interview.
He described his priorities at this time as listening to people in the district so that he can “make their issues my issues.”
Currently a firefighter in Attleboro, Jacques is also a legislative agent for the Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts, a statewide union representing firefighters. Jacques said he has also served two tours in Iraq as a member of the National Guard.
As of this point Jacques chief competition will be incumbent Republican Steven Howitt of Seekonk. Howitt issued a release last week to review legislative accomplishments at the mid-session point. It’s a list that features the actions of the legislature as a whole, but doesn’t provide any specific details of bills sponsored by Howitt
Howitt is currently in his third term after defeating Steven D’Amico in 2010. He ran uncontested in the 2014 election.
While saying he wants to make a difference in the district, Jacques said that wasn’t to say Howitt is not making a difference adding at this point of the campaign he doesn’t “want to speak ill of the other candidate.”
With his candidacy still in it’s infancy, Jacques said he has gained good support.
“It’s been really exciting so far and invigorating to see the amount of response and support I’ve gotten,” Jacques said.
Source Author:
Will Richmond
Herald News City Editor
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